
LeBron James "Determination"


LeBron James "Determination"

Agency: N/A

Purpose: Turn LeBron's image around, following the infamous "LeBron-athon".

Contribution: copy and concept

Collaborators: print ads - Allan Kneale / other items - Marina Sidorko

'Purpose Never Yields' Body Copy
“On the court, we have but seconds to make the right move. And while each decision will be scrutinized and dissected, we know in our hearts the score will tell us if we were right. When you’re on my court, winning should never require an apology.”

'Talent Never Wavers' and 'Determination Never Surrenders' Body Copy
“In life, we make tough decisions that are subject to the judgment of popular opinion. In the end though, it’s our hearts that tell us if we are right. I make no excuses for what I have done, because I know what I am here to do.” 


LeBron James "Judge"

LeBron James "Judge"

Agency: N/A

Purpose: Turn LeBron's image around, following the infamous "LeBron-athon".

Contribution: copy and concept

Collaborators: print ads - Allan Kneale / other items - Marina Sidorko

Scholarship Website Body Copy
“There are individuals out there who will always diminish the power of dreams. They would lead you to think that only the foolish chase after them and only the ignorant believe in them.

For those brave individuals who refuse to listen, we call upon you to stand up, push forward and achieve your dream.

This scholarship is dedicated to everyone who aims to make a difference through their education. Too often, we lose sight of our personal dreams and aspirations. So, the LeBron James Foundation, in partnership with Nike, would like to award four courageous students who dared to take a chance in the face of adversity.

Each winner will receive $50,000 to help further their education and overcome the financial hurdle that stands between them and fulfilling their true potential.”




Agency: N/A
Purpose: Create a faux campaign that answered for the pitfalls of technology. 
Contribution: everything